Thursday, 10 May 2012

Hi, dear Argentinean friends!
My name is Ann. I’m a student of teacher Valentina. I like reading your letters in the blog.
I’ve heard that your teachers had a strike. Were you glad about it? Did you support them? What was the result?
I like cinema very much, but I don’t know Argentinean cinematograph. Can you tell me about it? Can you advice me something to watch? What movies are popular in your country? What should I watch to learn more about your country? Recently I watched the film about your compatriot Ernesto Che Guevara. I was very impressed with the life in Latin America at the time. Tell me about famous Argentinean actors and directors.
In addition to the cinema I like to read books. What would you like to do in your spare time?
I look forward to your reply.
Best wishes,
P.S. It’s the photo of myself. You know, one of my hobbies is to take pictures using a film camera not a digital one. This picture is an example of it. I would be glad to watch your photos too!

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